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About File Formats. MP3 is a digital audio format without digital rights management (DRM) technology. Because our MP3s have no DRM, you can play it on any device that supports MP3, even on your iPod! [reQ] Foreigner [Discography ] Download Torrent: [reQ] Foreigner [Discography ] Description: req by: valkokoev Foreigner are a British-American rock band formed in New York City in by veteran English musicians Mick Jones, ex-King Crimson member Ian McDonald, and American vocalist Lou Gramm. You're watching the official music video for Foreigner - "Urgent" from the album '4' (). "Urgent" reached No. 1 on Billboard Mainstream Rock
Urgent, urgent, emergency. "Urgent" is a song by the English-American rock band Foreigner, and the first single from their album 4 in Foreigner went into the studio with producer Robert John "Mutt" Lange, best known at the time as producer of hard rock band AC/DC. Foreigner's sound wasn't quite as heavy, and the band worked with then. midi genres/directions. classic; pop; rock; rap; dance; punk; blues; country; movie themes; tv themes; christmas carols. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.